Tha Guid Buik

Luke: Chaipter 2

1. Roon that time, quhan Quirinius wus Governor o Syria, tha Emperor Augustus gart aa tha fowks in thà warl be coontit. Siccan ane listin haednae bin daen afore, an aabodie gaed for tae get registrate, ilkane til hìs ain toon.

4. Joseph gaed fae tha toon o Nasareth i Galilee til thà toon o Bethlehem i Judea, quhilk toon wus quhar Käng Dauvit wus boarn, bein as Joseph belanged thà root an saed o Dauvit.

5. He an Marie, at he wus trystit til, gaed for tae get mairkit up in thà census thegithèr. Marie wus expectin, an scho wus due tha time quhan the gat til Bethlehem.

7. Scho gien birth til her first sinn, swealit hìm wi swaddlin-claes, an beddit him in a heck, syne thar wus nae ruim for thaim in thà inn.

8. The wur a wheen herds i thon pairt o tha kintra at wus stappin aa nicht in thà fiels, lukin eftèr thair yows. Al o a suddent ane angel o tha Loard kythed til thaim, an thà glorie o tha Loard shint its licht roon aboot thaim. Tha herds wus unco sair frichtit, bot thà angel ses til thaim; “Binnae yes nane ascared! A hae cum wi guid wittins for yis, at wull gie muckle blytheness til aa fowk. Theday, in Dauvitstoon, yer Saviour wus boarn — Christ thà Loard!

12. An bi this gate ye’ll hae tha pruif: ye’ll fynn thà bairn swealit wi swaddlin-claes an liggin intil a heck.

13. Syne in a gliff ane muckle thrang o ithèr angels, like thà airmies ο heiven, kythed fornent thà ae angel for tae gie laud tae God bi liltin;

“Glorie tae God in thà heicht o heiven,

an paice on thà yird til aa thaim at Hè’s plaised wi!”

15. Quhan thà angels quat thaim an gaed on bak tae heiven, tha herds ses til ithèr, “C’mon an gang owrebye til Bethlehem an hae a luik at thir daeins at thà Loard haes made beknownst til us.”

16. Sae the hied aff an foon Marie an Joseph an saen thà bairn liggin intil thà heck. Quhan thà herds saen him, the telt quhat thà angel haed bin sayin anent thà bairn. Aa at heerd it wus fair gunked bi quhat thà herds telt thaim.

19. Marie haed mynn o aa thir daeins an thocht lang on thaim. Tha herds tuk aff, liltin tae God thair laud for aa the saen an heerd; it wus aa jist like quhat tha angel haed telt thaim.

21. Ae sennicht eftèr, quhan thà bairn boost tae be haein hìs circumcisin, the gien him tha name o Jesus, like quhat tha angel haed gart thaim dae quhan thà bairn wus conceivit.



The Ulster-Scots Academy has been an integral part of the Ulster-Scots Language Society since 1993. The name "Ulster-Scots Academy" is registered to the USLS with the Intellectual Property Office.

Ulster Scots Academy


A new edition of Michael Montgomery’s From Ulster to America: The Scotch-Irish Heritage of American English recounts the lasting impact that at least 150,000 settlers from Ulster in the 18th century made on the development of the English language of the United States. This new edition published by the Ulster-Scots Language Society documents over 500 ‘shared’ vocabulary items which are authenticated by quotations from both sides of the Atlantic. A searchable online version of this dictionary is now also available here.


The Ulster-Scots Academy is currently working on the digitisation of Dr Philip Robinson's seminal Ulster-Scots Grammar and the English/Ulster-Scots part (with circa 10,000 entries) of a two-way historical dictionary of Ulster-Scots. These projects are planned to be completed and available on the site in 2016.



This site is being developed on a purely voluntary basis by the Ulster-Scots Language Society at no cost to the taxpayer. USLS volunteers have been involved in preserving and promoting Ulster-Scots for more than 20 years. All donations, however small, will be most gratefully received and contribute towards the expansion of the project. Thank you!

This site is being developed by the Ulster-Scots Language Society (Charity No. XN89678) without external financial assistance. USLS volunteers have been involved in preserving and promoting Ulster-Scots for more than 20 years. All donations, however small, will be most gratefully received and contribute towards the expansion of the project. Thank you!

(Friends of the Ulster-Scots Academy group)